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The Colour of Wine Safari

The Colour of Wine Safari

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A wine experience focusing on black-owned wine labels and black winemakers. Drawing inspiration from the book and the film, the Colour of Wine Safari is an intimate full-day engagement with black winemakers and wine brands in the Western Cape, telling the remarkable story of South Africa’s transition from apartheid to democracy through the personal journeys of black winemakers.

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Jazz Safari Cape Town

Jazz Safari Cape Town

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Cape Town is an incredibly musical city. This is the city where music is at its most creative in South Africa, something which is due partly to the natural environment we have, which encourages creativity, but mainly it is because of the history of the city and the diversity of people and cultures and sounds that have ended up here.

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Cape Town ‘Shaping A Nation’ Walking Tour

Cape Town ‘Shaping A Nation’ Walking Tour

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If you have an interest in history, economics and the shaping of a nation, this Cape Town Walking Tour unravels the complex dynamics that have influenced South Africa.Our skilled guides appraise the roles played by people, institutions and politics and share insights into the events and policies that shaped South Africa. They will highlight fateful events